
Prof. John Grue, University of Oslo, Norway

发布者:  时间:2015-08-07  浏览:

John Grue教授 国际水波与浮体研讨会主席、挪威奥斯陆大学数学系教授
Prof. John Grue, Mechanics Division, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

时间:2015年8月14日星期五 上午9:30


题目:Nonlinear calculations of directional ocean surface waves and internal waves

摘要:We discuss a nonlinear method in three dimensions for ocean surface waves and interfacial waves. The strongly nonlinear, temporal method is based on integral equations and use of Fourier transform. Its efficient solution makes possible a large set of unknowns. In the first part of the talk, the method is used to calculate the kinematics of directional ocean waves in storm conditions, where the surface elevation has been measured of large horizontal domains. In the second part of the talk, the method is developed for the dead water problem and interfacial wave formation in geophysical applications.

Recent publication
• Grue, John (2015). Nonlinear interfacial wave formation in three dimensions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.  ISSN 0022-1120.  767, s 735- 762 . doi: 10.1017/jfm.2015.42
• Grue, John; Kolaas, Jostein & Jensen, Atle (2014). Velocity fields in breaking-limited waves of finite depth. European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids.  ISSN 0997-7546.  47, s 97- 107 . doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2014.03.014
• Grue, John (2013). Interfacial Wave Motion of Very Large Amplitude: Formulation in Three Dimensions and Numerical Experiments. Procedia IUTAM.  ISSN 2210-9838.  8, s 129- 143 . doi: 10.1016/j.piutam.2013.04.017
• Shiskina, Olga D.; Sveen, Johan Kristian & Grue, John (2013). Transformation of internal solitary waves at the "deep" and "shallow" shelf: satellite observations and laboratory experiment. Nonlinear processes in geophysics.  ISSN 1023-5809.  20(5), s 743- 757 . doi: 10.5194/npg-20-743-2013
• Grue, John & Jensen, Atle (2012). Orbital velocity and breaking in steep random gravity waves. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans.  ISSN 2169-9275.  117 . doi: 10.1029/2012JC008024
• Grue, John (2011). Internal wave induced breaking and strong bottom currents. AIP Conference Proceedings.  ISSN 0094-243X.  1376
• Grue, John (2011). Two phenomena: Honji instability, and ringing of offshore structures. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters.  ISSN 2095-0349.  1(6) . doi: 10.1063/2.1106201
• Rashid, Farah; Vartdal, Magnus & Grue, John (2011). Oscillating cylinder in viscous fluid: calculation of flow patterns and forces. Journal of Engineering Mathematics.  ISSN 0022-0833.  70(1-3), s 281- 295 . doi: 10.1007/s10665-010-9395-7
• Grue, John (2010). Computation formulas by FFT of the nonlinear orbital velocity in three-dimensional surface wave fields. Journal of Engineering Mathematics.  ISSN 0022-0833.  67(1-2), s 55- 69 . doi: 10.1007/s10665-009-9334-7
• Grue, John (2010). Editorial. Engineering and Computational Mechanics.  ISSN 1755-0777.  163, s 225- 226
• Grue, John & Sveen, Johan Kristian (2010). A scaling law of internal run-up duration. Ocean Dynamics.  ISSN 1616-7341.  60(4), s 993- 1006 . doi: 10.1007/s10236-010-0284-4
• Wåhlin, Anna Kristine; Johansson, A. M.; Aas, Eyvind; Brostrøm, G.; Weber, Jan Erik H. & Grue, John (2010). Horizontal convection in water heated by infrared radiation and cooled by evaporation: scaling analysis and experimental results. Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography.  ISSN 0280-6495.  62A(2), s 154- 169 . doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2009.00427.x

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