报告人:Prof. Shunqi PAN, Cardiff University, UK
报告题目:Assessing Extreme Waves and Surge in the Northwest Pacific Ocean Region
This talk will present the results on the long-term modelling of wave climate in the northwest Pacific Ocean region using coupled FVCOM-SWAVE and FVCOM modelling system with the implementation of a parameter typhoon model. The model was driven by the ECMWF reanalysis wind and sea surface pressure data over a 35-year period from 1979 to 2013, which was modified and refined by the measured typhoon parameters. The model results were used to assess the impact of typhoons on the wave climate, as well as the extreme conditions of the wave and surge and directional and seasonal variation over the coastal waters along the China coasts.
潘顺琪(Shunqi Pan)博士, 毕业于河海大学并取得学士与硕士学位。1994年他在英国爱丁堡的赫瑞·瓦特(Heriot-Watt )大学取得博士学位。随后先后在英国利物浦(Liverpool),普利茅斯(Plymouth)大学开始进行海岸河口工程和海洋能源的研究。现任英国卡迪夫(Cardiff)大学海岸工程学教授,水环境研究中心主任。
他的主要研究方向为河口海岸动力学的物理和数值模拟研究,特别是在近海沙洲,泻湖系统,近岸沿海防波结构功能,海滩养护,海洋再生能源和风暴潮等领域。主持和参加了20多个英国和国际间的科研项目。在各类国际期刊和会议上发表各类论文120余篇,谷歌学术索引指数(H-Index)为17,引用数超过1100,并于2007年获得英国土木工程师协会(Institution of Civil Engineers - ICE)的Halcrow奖。
现任英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC)项目评审学院(Peer-Review College)会员、《水科学与工程》(WSE)副编辑、《中国海洋工程》编委、英国注册水务与环境管理学会(CIWEM)环境合作会员。他曾任英国土木工程师学会(ICE)《Maritime Engineering》编委(2009-2012)。